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Mary Goulet - Brand Spokesperson, Speaker, Voice Talent


Mary Goulet is the award winning, bestselling author of numerous books.


Go With Your Gut by Mary GouletGo With Your Gut!
The Art of Making Simple and Critical Decisions

Have you ever decided to do something based solely on a “feeling” you had inside? How do you think Donald Trump decides what will be his next empire? How does Oprah make decisions in her life?

Mary Goulet has spent years putting into practice a system she developed for making decisions based on gut feelings. “People make decisions based on three different elements – the Head,
the Heart, and the Gut,” explains Goulet. In her new book, appropriately titled Go With Your Gut!, Goulet shows you how to differentiate between the three elements, how they work together to influence your decisions, and how to identify confusion. Go With Your Gut! presents a proven, foolproof decision-making philosophy.

It's All About You: Live the Life You Crave

Moms Choice Award

It’s All About You: Live the Life You Crave

(Simon & Schuster/Free Press 2007)

Mom’s Choice Awards® Gold Recipient

From Publishers Weekly

Goulet and Reider, radio talk-show hosts (The Mary & Heather Show) and founders of the Web site, put their enterprising and inspiring ideas together in this chatty text that will appeal to busy moms who want to do it all. Goulet and Reider focus on positive steps women can take, helping them organize and streamline their days so they can focus on their dreams as well as their families. The authors discuss a number of topics culled from their radio show, e-mails and message boards ranging from how to start a home business to that nagging daily question of what to make for dinner. Financial issues, sex after children and clearing clutter are also included, with plenty of practical and sometimes unusual tips (i.e., flossing is good for your sex life). The authors claim that many moms suffer from OCI (overwhelmed, confused and irritated), with their lives spinning out of control in their attempts to please everyone. Goulet and Reider encourage moms to follow their motto, Better Done Than Perfect, learning to manage time and use motherhood to empower and strengthen their lives. Their text addresses the busy and multidimensional lives of mothers, offering readers support and advice as they pursue their aspirations within and outside the home.


“Smart, spicy, and simple, this book is a must-read for women looking to be productive moms and wives while leading creative and purposeful lives – which is to say, pretty much all mothers. If the goal seems unattainable, it won’t after you’ve read the many pearls of wisdom and motivational tips on how to catch your breath, make a change, and get you want.” — Scholastic

MomsTown Guide to Getting It AllThe MomsTown Guide to Getting it All,
A Life Makeover for Stay-at-Home Moms

(Hyperion Books 2005)

Bestselling, iParenting Award

This book details the revolution taking place in preschool parking lots across the country. Statistics show women are postponing pregnancy and having children later in life. They are educated, hip, and savvy women accustomed to chasing their dreams. They don’t want to stop chasing their dreams when they start changing diapers.

MomsTown supports each woman in the pursuit of her potential. Mary and Heather truly believe women can stay home and raise their children, run a business (or an empire), be fabulously hip and fit, enjoy great relationships with their husbands and have fun.

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